
Showing posts from August, 2013

Drawing Cartoons on the iPhone

Some time ago, I purchased a sketch program for my iPhone called, unambiguously, Sketchbook. While playing around with it, I came up with a strange couple of bunnies who are a bit more bad than one would think possible for cute rabbits. As I continued the series, you can see my increasingly dextrous use of this program. Essentially I drew these little gems, which amuse me endlessly, with my finger. In this first cartoon, the rabbits have kidnapped some fellow. I'm not sure why. As you can see, I'm simply drawing in black and white. Towards the end of the sketch I discovered how to add color, hence the ears. To me, the look of confusion mixed with fear is hilarious especially when juxtaposed with the bunny's dead pan look. The anthropomorphism we thrust on other species is lamentable. We want to see ourselves in our pets and in wild creatures, but if you have spent much time observing animals, their normal non-excited state is one of inscrutable blankness. Then there