Ford Fairlane on Douglas Ave.
Ford Douglas. 30x24. Oil on linen. $1760--SOLD. This painting was one of the hits of the Diver Studio show and sold recently. I really like the combination of realism and sketchy impressionistic techniques which give it a real depth. Most beginning painters feel the need to render each and every part of the painting at the same level of detail. This is always a mistake. The star of the show is the focal point. All else must be subservient to that star. The Ford in this painting is rendered in near photorealism, a technique that is not that hard; whereas, a sketchier rendering is far more difficult because it must look natural and it must convey the sense of the objects in the painting without falling into the uncanny valley. Sounds like an old horror film, doesn't it? The concept of the uncanny valley is that on a sliding scale from completely abstract to exactly realistic, on the side of exact realism there is an area where just being slightly off in drawing or values causes ...
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